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The Benefits of a Master of Public Affairs Degree

Tuesday, February 09, 2016 | 12:00 AM

Master of Public Affairs 高级专业学位能为学生在公共服务领域取得成功做好准备吗. 对于那些对积极影响公共政策感兴趣并培养可用于各种职业的强大领导技能的人来说,这是理想的选择. 该学位可以让你在非营利组织、私营部门或政府工作.

What is public affairs?

Public affairs work involves government and media relations, social and corporate responsibility and information dissemination. 从业人员专注于改善公共政策,影响和建立与利益相关者的关系, such as politicians or business groups.

General degree overview

大多数在线公共事务硕士候选人已经在从事或以某种身份参与公共事务. 课程通常需要一到两年才能完成,无论是在线还是在实体校园. There is no prerequisite undergraduate major for the MPA degree, but familiarity with social science disciplines is beneficial.

What to expect from coursework

The field of public affairs is multidimensional, 所以你可以期待硕士项目的课程涵盖很多领域. 大多数公共事务硕士课程是跨学科的,通常包括统计学课程, economics, political science and communications. MPA课程也可能着重于政策评估、研究和政策分析.

课程旨在磨练定性和定量分析的实践技能. To cater to different career objectives, 在医疗保健政策等类别中通常提供特定的专业, nonprofit management and education policy. 在学习期间完成实习或其他实际的实地工作也很有价值, practical experience.

 Where Master of Public Affairs grads work

Online MPA graduates can take on a number of diverse professional roles. 许多人找到了当选官员、项目经理、政策倡导者或研究人员的工作. For example, 一名毕业生可能会在一家研究私营公司和政府机构如何合作改善环境问题的智库工作. 另一个可能承担财政角色,负责确保教育或社会项目的资金. 还有一些人可能会选择成为政治说客或开始政治生涯. 结果是无穷无尽的,取决于毕业生的具体兴趣和专业.

We live in an increasingly globalized, interconnected society, and now is an exciting time to embark upon a career in the public sector. If you have an analytical mindset and care about affecting social change, 或者已经在这个领域工作,想要增加你的知识和市场竞争力, consider working toward earning a Master of Public Affairs.

Learn about University of Texas Rio Grande Valley online MPA program.

Source: - -硕士-公共事务-硕士-公众-政府- 36223.html

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