


对大多数人来说, career advancement means going back to school to earn an advanced degree, 但财务成本可能相当可观. 例如, it is estimated that 37 million Americans have some type of student loan debt, 总共超过1美元.1万亿年. However, there are affordable ways to earn an advanced degree, including earning an MPA在线学位.


A master's degree lends itself to a higher salary and it can pay for itself in a year or two. The average salary of someone who holds a master's degree is $74,217, while the average salary of someone with a bachelor's degree is $58,762. An individual with a master's degree in public administration can find work as a political scientist, 哪里的平均工资是104美元,920 in 2014, 根据联合国.S. 劳工统计局(BLS).


Making the choice to head back to school can seem like a big commitment of resources. 有几种方法可以让人们负担得起. First, an online MPA degree eliminates the need to commute to and from school. Second, online programs are flexible, making them an ideal choice for working adults. That means you do not have to quit your job while pursuing your education online. There is no loss of income and no added expense of gas and wear and tear from commuting. 除了在线上课, 许多书籍和学习资源也可以在网上找到. This is typically a cheaper option than purchasing books from a bookstore. 另外, many employers offer tuition reimbursement for employees who go back to school for career advancement purposes. Finally, there are also scholarships available for degrees in public administration.

Opportunities are available for an advanced degree to pay for itself

An online MPA degree opens the door for many opportunities with jobs in the government, 公共管理或卫生和公共服务. 根据美国劳工统计局2013年的数据, 有700多个,000 administrative positions with the federal government and more than 450,000个专业职位. With thousands of government employees retiring each year and the rise of globalization, the need for emerging leaders in public administration is growing. 在网上课程和书本之间, the availability of scholarships and the ability to earn income while in school, 在线MPA学位是一项明智的投资.

了解 德克萨斯大学里奥格兰德谷在线MPA项目.






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